VIC: MBAV 2022-23 State Budget Submission

Once again, we have seen that the state’s economy largely relies on the building and construction industry. On average, the industry makes up over 57% of the state’s tax revenue. Even through the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of building and construction work completed in 2020-21 accounted for 12% of the State’s Gross State Product.

Despite the most recent state lockdowns causing a struggle in construction sites to remain operational, construction in the final quarter of 2021 achieved $15 billion in revenue, supporting Victoria through the economic turmoil due to the pandemic.

Early this month, MBV (Master Builders Victoria) released the 2022-23 State Budget Submission. This report outlines the methods in which MBV plans to build a sustainable and modern Victoria and ultimately recover from the impacts brought on by the pandemic.

The submission includes but is not limited to intentions to:

  • Reduce pressure on the industry (specific to supply shortages)
  • Improve mental health in building and construction
  • Support the future of the industry through thorough training, VET promotion and immigration agendas
  • Gender equity goals
  • Develop building surveyor cadetships
  • Improve housing affordability and land availability
  • Enhance energy efficiency
  • Remove stamp duty

Click here to view the MBV 2022-23 State Budget Submission.


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