NSW: Amendments Relating to Class 2 Building Work, Mandatory Insurance and Ground Anchors

The Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2021 has been altered.

New Building Registration Categories

From 2 March 2022, new registration categories are applicable in Low Rise and Medium Rise structures:

Low Rise

A company that holds a builders license and has at least 3 years of practical experience in the last 7 years, including 1 year experience coordinating/supervising general residential building, that relates to the execution of building work involving a class 1, 2, 3, 9a or 9c building.

Low Rise Building

A class 2 building or a building containing a class 2 part that involves a maximum gross floor area of no more than 2,000m²
*This does not include a Type A or Type B building.

Medium Rise

A company that holds a builders license and has at least 3 years of practical experience in the last 7 years, including 2 years’ experience coordinating/supervising general residential building, that relates to the execution of building work involving a class 1, 2, 3, 9a or 9c building.

Medium Rise Building

(a) a class 2 building OR a building partly containing class 2 that has no more than a 3 storey rise.

(b) the ground level/first storey of a building is classified as a class 7a building OR a class 2 building OR a partly class 2 building that his no more than a 4 storey rise.

*This does not include a building that is Type A construction for the purposes of a class 4, 5, 6, 7b and 8 building.

 The registration without the Low Rise or Medium Rise condition, as well as work excluded from requirement to be registered remains the same. 

Mandatory Builder Insurance Exemption Extended

The exemption for Building Practitioners to hold mandatory insurance under the Design and Building Practitioners Act has been extended until 30 June 2023.

Ground Anchors in Neighbouring Properties

Prior to commencing works, Building Practitioners are now required to provide evidence of legal authority in order to install ground anchors on a neighbouring property. Evidence of the destressing of temporary ground anchors will also be required before a development is completed.

For more information, see MBA NSW or for further advice, MBA members can contact the MBA legal department.

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